The Nebraska State Board of Education made a commitment to enhance the educational programs that children who are deaf and hard of hearing receive through their local school district. To accomplish this, Nebraska was divided into four regions, each providing different opportunities to support the unique educational, social, and emotional needs of children who are deaf and hard of hearing.
The Central Western Nebraska Partnership will support and enhance existing educational services by offering social, cultural, instructional and communication opportunities for students, families, and staff in their educational programs.
- To maximize resources in providing programs and services to Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deaf with Additional Disabilities, and Deaf-Blind students (D,HH/D+/DB).
- Support a statewide network for D/HH/D+/DB) students and their families through enrichment activities and relevant summer experiences.
- Provide a statewide collaboration across all existing programs.
- Provide D/HH/D+/DB children with opportunities to socialize and communicate with peers and role models.
- Provide additional training opportunities to currently employed and newly hired educational interpreters and educational staff in the areas of deafness, multiple disabilities, multicultural issues, sign language, and D/HH/D+/DB technology.
- Provide a lending library to parents, students, professionals, and interested community members.
- Enhance D/HH/D+/DB students' ability to be successful in their neighborhood schools.
- Provide opportunities for families to learn sign language in a non-threatening environment.
- Assist local school districts in developing appropriate programs for D/HH/D+/DB students.